District Chapter
of the
Colored Pencil Society of America
Memphis , TN
Who We Are
We are part of the national non-profit organization, the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA), and are one of it’s many district chapters across the country. Our chapter, DC108, is located in Memphis, TN. You first need to join CPSA, our parent organization, then you can join our local chapter.
Anyone 18 years of age or older may join us, regardless of location or skill level!

"Afternoon Companion" by Carla Sexton, CPSA
What We Do
We are a group of colored pencil enthusiasts, with a wide range of experience from beginner to very advanced! We have monthly meetings (currently both in person and via Zoom), at least one art exhibition per year, at least one colored pencil workshop per year, and more! We love to share our excitement for art and our love of colored pencils! We love to share our work with each other, help teach our visitors and members who are new to colored pencil, and promote colored pencils as a fine art medium! And with all the online options we are utilizing currently, mainly due to Covid 19, it’s becoming more and more evident that you don’t have to live in Memphis to be involved with our group! So regardless of your location, feel free to join us anytime!